Binnen Sense FM kennen we onze sterke punten. We weten ook waar anderen beter in zijn. Aangezien wij toegevoegde waarde willen leveren aan onze opdrachtgevers doen we uitsluitend dat werk waar we goed in zijn. Voor onderwerpen die complementair zijn aan onze dienstverlening werken wij samen met onze samenwerkingspartners. Sense FM is een samenwerking aangegaan met de volgende partijen:
Rob Benningen at Benningen IP Management has built up more than 20 years’ experience in various business sectors and industries, including the Contract Catering sector. Rob’s core competences include coaching, supervision, monitoring and training for groups of employees, in operational issues. Rob works as an auditor for Sense FM. Rob is involved in carrying out quality audits for complete facilities or specifically for individual services, such as catering.
Jongkind Training & Coaching verzorgt maatwerk incompany trainingen, workshops en coacht management, klantgerichte en commerciele vaardigheden, team en persoonlijke ontwikkeling in de profit en non-profit sector.
Daarnaast wordt ondersteuning verleend op het gebied van competentiemanagement. Sense FM verzorgt in samenwerking met Jongkind Training & Coaching onder meer de unieke training Contractmanagement “arrangeren en orkestreren”.
The F-MEX foundation specialises in the professionalisation of Facility Management through knowledge sharing and knowledge development. F-MEX also operates in the field of talent development, in collaboration with the education sector. Sense FM and F-MEX have now established a collaborative venture in the field of contract management, covering several aspects including Mystery Visits and Contract Management Training. Exclusively for F-MEX members, the Mystery Visit “surprise your organisation” has been developed within the collaborative venture. Members of F-MEX can make exclusive use of the Sense F-MEX subscription.
Bureau van der Meijden is an authority in the field of NEN 2075 standard quality inspections (VSR), cleaning and maintenance consultancy and ISO-based audits. Bureau van der Meijden is a certified cleaning services broker, and among others collaborates closely with TNO Cleaning. Bureau van der Meijden is a member of the VMS and VSR organisations. Sense FM works closely with Bureau van der Meijden on the provision of support in the field of cleaning and maintenance, including implementation of VSR inspections.
As an independent management consultancy Tiemersma Consultancy focuses on interim management and consulting assignments in the field of safety, security, emergency response and business continuity. Tiemersma Consultancy offers pragmatic solutions that meet the regular business and contribute positively to the image of organizations. The service is tailor made??, which include internationally recognized ISO standards and risk management principles. Sense FM Consultancy and Tiemersma have a partnership on issues of physical security.
Nicole Bougie van Yourfood is een ervaren freelancer food & hygiëne consultant en auditor. Naast deze functie is Nicole verbonden aan de Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen (HAN) als docent en coördinator van de opleiding Food&Business. Voor Sense FM werkt Nicole als auditor. Audits op het gebied van gebied van voeding en hygiëne binnen de catering, vending en horecabranche worden door Nicole uitgevoerd.